News & Insights

Mercury hosts exhibition at Lean Construction Ireland LCI Conference 2019
On Thursday, 3 October 2019, Mercury hosted an exhibition at the annual Lean Construction Ireland LCI Conference 2019. Mercury was represented by its Lean champions Seamus J. Lacey, Operations Support Manager and Jason Toomey, Sector QA/QC Manager for Life Sciences & Technology.
The event was a great success and an opportunity to highlight Mercury’s standardisation of construction processes through its The Mercury Way Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) system.
Mercury also contributed to the Lean Construction Ireland Annual Book of Cases 2019 which highlights a number of process improvements that were made on a large project in order to reduce waste and increase value-added time on site. The book will be available here as a digital copy in Spring 2020.

LEAN at Mercury – Better, Faster, Smarter
Mercury has long been an advocate of Lean and has been implementing its principles into work practices for many years. Lean has always been something we strive for and our default position is if there’s an activity or a task that we’re going to perform for our client, safely we’re always trying to make it happen – better, faster or smarter.