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Mercury launches Covid-19 Safety Playbook across Europe
Over the past several weeks, Mercury site staff across Europe have been delivering projects for our clients safely throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. This has been done as they have adopted the Mercury Covid-19 Safety Playbook, which sets out the minimum standard expected on all sites.
Safety is our anchor value. It underpins everything we do. Our playbook outlines specific instructions for social distancing across all works and site activities. As a European contractor, Mercury has continued to operate fully as a business, safely delivering projects across Europe, while adhering to government health & safety advice and any applicable restrictions across all of the regions in which we operate.
In addition to following all advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and local authorities, our Covid-19 playbook has introduced a number of measures including the appointment of dedicated Social Distancing Champions across all sites, who are charged with ensuring everyone adheres strictly to the social distancing guidance in place at Mercury as well as the roll out of temperature checking across our projects.
Mercury staff in Ireland are continuing to support our European projects from home, and many more are continuing designated essential works throughout the pandemic. Additionally, our teams will be returning to work, across our various locations and on sites where restrictions were imposed, in the coming weeks as the various local governing authorities confirm that the time is safe to do so.
It is vital for the national and global economy that workplaces that can operate safely and adhere to social distancing and enhanced hygiene guidelines are able to resume operations, to deliver essential works and preserve our critical construction capability.
We continue to operate in line with WHO and the various government authorities/Health Service Executive (HSE) guidelines and will follow all applicable Government mandates.
Safety is our anchor value. It underpins everything that we do. It’s a mindset that’s firmly fixed in every individual and team throughout Mercury. As such, the safety of all of our employees, subcontractors and clients is the number one priority on this project and Mercury is proud to have completed all works while prioritising the safety of our people throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. This was achieved by successfully implementing a number of social distancing, hygiene and risk controls.