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Interview: Working abroad during the pandemic | Eoin Lally
Mercury has launched its new series of interviews with our people, as they work through this unusual and unprecedented time in our history. Our third interviewee is Eoin Lally, an Electrical Manager based in Frankfurt, Germany on a Data Centre site.
How long have you been working in Frankfurt with Mercury?
I relocated back to Frankfurt from Dublin in June 2019, after having worked on several projects here previously.
How has life changed since the pandemic began?
Normal day to day life in Frankfurt is good but since the pandemic began it has become a lot more challenging. From socially distancing away from your colleagues, a lack of after work activities & sport, to wearing masks everyday, it does make life difficult. Thankfully, our Mercury team has kept our site up and running and adhered to social distancing measures, meaning that we have kept that little bit of normality by simply being able to go to work every day.
How are you staying in touch with friends and family back home?
I make a conscious effort to keep in touch with all my family back home regularly, and things such as FaceTime & Zoom make it a lot more personal than just a phone call. However, it’s very difficult to not be able to go back home, and particularly I’m missing my son who turns two in July, whom I haven’t seen since February.
What’s day to day work life right now?
Over the past two weeks, many stores have re-opened, albeit under restrictions, which has made life a little easier. But most of our on-site staff are closely approaching the 3 month mark of being away from home, and with many flights still being regularly cancelled & various quarantine rules being put in place, there is a feeling of uneasiness due to travel plans still being very uncertain. I think overall, we have dealt with the challenges the pandemic has thrown at us very well, and as a team we have supported each other. I hope to return home soon, and continue progressing well with the project.
Mercury | Working Through the Pandemic | Interview Series
Elena Martin, Commissioning Manager in Frankfurt
Diego Pacheco, Graduate Engineer in Amsterdam.
We will be regularly releasing new content in our Working Through the Pandemic series, with our staff across Ireland, the UK and Continental Europe. Stay tuned for more content over the coming weeks!