News & Insights

Mercury Achieves Two Million People Hours Worked Without recording LTI
Mercury is delighted to report that we recently achieved two million people hours worked without recording a single Lost Time Injury (LTI) across the Group in January-February 2021.
This is a testament to the hard work of all of our employees and supply-chain partners, who are living Mercury’s anchor value of safety. Well done to everybody on this incredible achievement.
Group EHS Director, Michael O’Connor said: “I want to thank all of our staff who have contributed to achieving this important milestone. Mercury is currently working on projects across ten countries at the moment and this achievement demonstrates our dedication to delivering first-class safety results across all of the regions in which we operate. Congratulations to all of our teams, safety is the foundation for building great projects.”
At Mercury, we appreciate that we’re only as good as our last job.
This dedication to the highest quality and safety standards keeps us pushing forward, never complacent but driven to make it happen no matter what lies ahead.
It’s our delivery, training, and processes that make The Mercury Way.
People want to work with us because they know, using the most up-to-date technology and innovative methods, we’ll always deliver better, faster, and smarter for our clients with the highest attention paid to safety and quality.
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