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Mercury awarded Investors in Diversity’s silver accreditation
Mercury is delighted to announce that we have been awarded silver accreditation by the Irish Centre for Diversity for our diversity and inclusion programme and improvement procedures in 2021.
This accreditation provides a benchmark against other organisations and offers insights into our key areas of strength, while also identifying areas that require further development.
After receiving bronze accreditation in 2020, we implemented a series of actions to improve how we communicate our dignity and respect at work policy and our grievance procedures. We have also ensured that our management teams are aware of behaviours and actions that will ensure we maintain an inclusive work culture and environment.
Successfully moving from bronze to silver highlights our commitment to building upon our previous diversity and inclusion achievements and shows our desire to continuously embed D&I in our processes and structures.
As part of our process of improvement, we measured a number of key diversity and inclusion topics by surveying our people. Staff responded to a series of questions focused on their own understanding of D&I perspectives and were also asked about their understanding of Mercury’s training, policies, actions and our efforts to communicate our D&I initiatives and procedures.
Embedding diversity and inclusion in our practices means listening to our employees and understanding how our people are experiencing D&I culture within Mercury. We are engaging with our executive management team and senior leaders and planning actions to implement further improvements to our workplace environment to ensure a fully inclusive employee experience for all of our people in our offices and projects across Europe.
Our Silver accreditation is valid for two years and we strive to improve our score further. Following on from this award, we are reviewing and upgrading some of our HR procedures and practices to ensure all new hires receive critical training related to D&I, while existing employees and management receive annual refresher workshops or training courses to keep these principles fresh in their minds.
At Mercury, our drive towards diversity & inclusion is one of the key driving factors behind our winning culture.
We have put in place a Diversity & Inclusion Policy that is driven by our Executive Management Team. Diversity & Inclusion is woven into the fabric of the vision and values of Mercury, not only through our culture, but through the entire life cycle of the employee experience.
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