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Achieving work-life balance in the construction industry: Tips from a life quality coach
At Mercury, we believe that happy teams achieve more.
In the construction industry, where the demands of the job can sometimes take a toll on work-life balance, we are dedicated to exploring innovative solutions to enhance the wellbeing of our employees. Construction professionals can face a variety of obstacles, such as demanding schedules and prolonged periods away from loved ones which can negatively impact their work-life balance.
Recently, we hosted a webinar led by Sean Bohan, a well-known Life Quality Improvement Coach. During the session, Sean shared valuable tips and techniques for achieving a better work-life balance.
We’re excited to share some of the key insights from the webinar below, with members of our global audience who are looking to improve their work-life balance.
Creating a Life Vision
The term ‘‘work-life balance’’ has been overused, with a lack of concise information as to how it can be achieved. It refers to how effectively one manages the demands of their career and the needs and wants of their personal life. There are seven key areas to consider when thinking about the quality of your work-life balance: The self, health, relationships, parenting, work, family, and friends.
When one or more of these areas is out of balance it can lead to poor mental health, reduced job satisfaction and productivity, and relationships may suffer. Outlining a personal life vision is an effective way of giving clarity to what matters to you.
This involves taking 15-20 minutes to write down what matters most to you in relation to each area. You should factor needs, goals, loved ones, and hobbies. This activity will help reveal where your priorities lie and serves as an opportunity to reflect on which of the seven areas are taking up too much or not enough of your time.
Day to Day Actions
While taking time to look at your life as a whole is important, it can be difficult for us to achieve complete harmony between our work and life. Often, it’s the little things we do that make the biggest difference. Planning out your week on a Sunday and knowing your commitments for the week can help you plan effectively and not get overwhelmed.
- At the start of the workday do not over burden yourself with a page’s long to-do list. Instead, try focusing on three to five key priorities each day.
- It’s important not to overfill your schedule- flexibility is important and you don’t want to be left burned out with no space left in your calendar for what may arise during the week.
- It can help to spend the last 20-30 minutes of each day closing things out and ensuring you’re in a good position for the following day.
- Re-centre before you re-enter. Even if it’s been a stressful day at work leave it behind when you get home so that you may fully relax and enjoy quality time with family or friends. Listening to a podcast or audiobook, or doing some breathwork on your commute home can help you leave all things work behind.
Changing Work Culture
Workplace culture can make a major difference to how we view our time at work.
We all have a role in how workplace culture gets created, and positive relationships with those we work with can help improve our daily experience. For those in managerial positions, it’s worth thinking about how often we celebrate success. Our words and our actions should match and feeling valued leads to increased personal development.
When it comes to our work lives, remember the three key ‘‘P’’s: Purpose, Passion, and People.
Tending to the self plays a major role in achieving work life balance. At Mercury, we back our people to realise their vision of themselves and recognise that happy teams achieve more. Central to our success has been creating empowered and supportive environments where they can reach their full potential.
At Mercury, we drive a culture of wellbeing that enables our people to succeed and thrive.
The physical and mental wellbeing of our employees is of supreme importance. By cultivating a positive and engaging working environment that supports and nurtures, we believe that our staff are better placed to deliver top-class results.
You can read more about our employee wellbeing strategy by clicking here.
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