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Mercury launches ‚Banish The Blues‘ wellbeing campaign for Blue Monday
Today is ‚Blue Monday‘, which is often dubbed as ‘the most depressing day of the year’ in the northern hemisphere, owing partially due to the end of the festive season, gloomy weather, and the likelihood that a lot of us have at this stage failed our new year’s resolutions.
Many of our colleagues throughout Europe are facing Covid-19 lockdowns or may be self-isolating as they are living with vulnerable people, while others have lost loved ones to this pandemic. With all of this in mind, we have launched our new initiative, ‘Banish The Blues’ across our wellbeing platforms.
We are asking employees to share photos or videos of what they are doing to keep busy and active during these testing times, in the hope that they may inspire others to be conscious of the importance of maintaining their wellbeing during this difficult period.
Our staff members and supply-chain throughout Europe have been invited to share insights into their coping mechanisms on Mercury’s wellbeing app, hosted on PepTalk and across social media using the #BanishTheBlues hashtag.
We have received a number of entries already and want as many people as possible to take part!
Sea swimming
Family zoom calls
Games night
Listening to podcasts
Sports skills in the garden
Cycling & running
Home exercise
Learning a new language
Book recommendations
Learning an instrument
Resuming old hobbies
At Mercury, we drive a culture of wellbeing that enables our people to succeed and thrive.
The physical and mental wellbeing of our employees is of supreme importance. By cultivating a positive and engaging working environment that supports and nurtures, we believe that our staff are better placed to deliver top-class results.
You can read more about our employee wellbeing strategy by clicking here.