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Mercury marks World Cancer Day 2021
Today is World Cancer Day.
Mercury is proud to support this day with a video to acknowledge our teams achievements in helping to fundraise and raise awareness for cancer research.
Check it out below.
The Irish Cancer Society has thanked Mercury’s staff for their campaigning efforts, stating:
„The Irish Cancer Society would like to thank all at Mercury for their continued support and generosity since 2008. Mercury have shown such belief in our cause, and true solidarity for anyone affected by cancer in Ireland. We are delighted to know we can rely on your support throughout 2021 and beyond.
„The Irish Cancer Society provides support and care to those with and affected by cancer all over Ireland. Our services are free of charge and with just 3% government funding are almost entirely funded through the generosity of the public and Corporate Supporters such as Mercury . Your incredible support and generosity will continue to bring real benefit to the lives of cancer patients, survivors and their families as you continue to help fund vital services.
„Thank you on behalf of cancer patients, survivors and their families for ensuring no one goes through cancer alone“.
Irish Cancer Society
Cancer Support Line Freephone 1800 200 700 where you can speak to cancer nurses for confidential advice, support and information. Email option
Daffodil Centres: We have 13 Daffodil Centres located in hospitals nationwide. The centres are staffed by cancer nurses and trained volunteers who provide free, confidential advice, support and information to anyone affected by cancer
Night Nursing service: Provides end-of-life care for cancer patients in their own home. Our service allows patients to remain at home for the last days of their lives surrounded by their families and loved ones. This is a unique service in Ireland providing palliative nursing care at night between 11pm – 7am to cancer patients
Volunteer Driver Service is available mainly for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments in our partner hospitals who are having difficulty getting to and from their local appointments.
Read more about World Cancer Day here.