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2022 Materiality Matrix: Health & Safety remains top priority for Mercury stakeholders
We recently conducted a materiality survey where key Mercury stakeholders, including employees, management, and clients were asked to offer their insights into our primary sustainability outcomes, voting on the importance of several key outcome areas.
With the goal of balancing the triple bottom-line: people, planet, and profit this survey is critical to ensuring that we fulfill priorities that are established in our sustainability focus areas.
We are pleased to share the results of our 2022 Materiality Survey below, which highlights the order of the 8 highest priorities as chosen by respondents:
- Health and Safety
- Privacy and Data Security
- Anti-Corruption
- Energy Management
- Waste Management
- Low Carbon
- Learning and Development
- Human Rights
Relative to our 2020 results, Health and Safety has retained its position as our stakeholders’ leading priority.
Anticorruption ranks in 3rd place, while Human Rights in 8th place also retained their relative positions from the previous matrix. Meanwhile, Privacy and Data Security (which did not feature in our 2020 survey) has emerged as stakeholders’ second most important focus area. Prioritisation of low carbon noted the most significant shift between 2020 & 2022 as depicted in the graphic above.
We devoted a considerable level of effort over recent months to capture results related to Low Carbon, Energy Management, and Waste Management. This has been pioneered by our Sustainability team through the utilisation of the Tracker+ tool.
Mercury’s current focus is to implement Tracker+ as a company-wide data tool. Using KPIs for these categories, we track our progress on a monthly and quarterly basis.
Learning and Development ranked seventh in importance to stakeholders. We’re committed to providing an environment that fosters growth, and our dedicated learning platform goes live later this year.
In response to the results of this materiality matrix, Jo-Ann Garbutt, Director, Sustainability stated: “A refreshed materiality assessment is fundamental to our sustainability approach because it allows us to identify, understand and prioritise the social and environmental risks and opportunities that are important to our stakeholders and helps us focus in delivering outcomes in those areas.”
We believe that we each have a role to play in contributing to the sustainable development of our planet. With this in mind, we have launched Our Planet, Our Duty, our Responsible Business plan. Our Planet, Our Duty is our promise to help create a more sustainable environment around us. It forms one of the foundation blocks of Beyond50, our five year plan to push further and take Mercury beyond our 50th year in business.
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