Beware of Fraudulent Mercury Job Postings. Fraudsters may be posting fake job listings claiming to be from Mercury. Legitimate Mercury job offers will never ask for personal information or upfront payments. Always verify job postings through official Mercury channels.

QAQC Inspector, Denmark

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Mercury is the European leader in construction solutions.  

We build and manage complex engineering & construction projects for the world’s leading corporations. Our solutions help deliver technologies and life changing advancements that connect people, communities and businesses, giving them the power to achieve incredible things. Our people have the courage to be innovative. Their determination and sharp focus enable us to deliver with certainty, time and time again.    

We deliver our clients’ visions through leading edge construction solutions across multiple sectors, including Enterprise Data Centres, Advanced Technology & Life Sciences, Hyperscale Data Centres and Fire Protection.   

At Mercury, it is our duty to encourage and back our people to realise their vision of themselves. We place them at the heart of what we do, providing challenging opportunities to develop within a great team in a supportive environment that allows them to reach their full potential. 


Scope of the role

Reporting into the Mercury Project Turnover Manager, the role represents the interests of & enhances Mercury’s reputation regarding ensuring that the quality of both materials and workmanship follow design, specification, employers’ requirements, quality standards & regulations.


Key Responsibilities of the Role:

  • Site activities are planned and executed in accordance with all quality assurance and control procedures required by the contract.
  • Install a quality, defect-free philosophy, and culture among all Mercury personnel.
  • Work is performed in accordance with approved quality project execution plan (PEP), shop drawings, technical submittals, mock-ups, first of a kind and models.
  • Work with piping supervisors to ensure ITR on BIM-360 is signed off prior to pressure testing commencing.
  • Sign off reinstatement post pressure testing.
  • Knowledge and experience of Hygienic and Non-Hygienic systems.
  • Attend internal whiteboard on system / test pack progress.
  • Monitor assigned systems completion progress.
  • Monitor punch closure on EIDA & BIM-360 for assigned systems.
  • Carry out slope checks on pipework to ensure compliance with specification and P&ID’s.
  • Carry out inspections on piping to ensure correct supports are installed as per isometric.
  • Comply with the use of EIDA, BIM360 digital construction software applications to manage records.
  • Liaise with PMG Turnover department on scheduling walkdowns.
  • Attend and participate in Quality toolbox talks.
  • Inspections could be at heights or underground and will include specialized aspects of mechanical systems.


Essential Criteria for the Role:

  • Academic and/or trades qualifications in mechanical discipline
  • Three plus years of line walking experience.
  • Hold relevant Health & Safety requirements.
  • Pharmaceutical experience is preferable.
  • CSWIP welding inspection is desirable.
  • Ability to read and interpret, specifications, regulations, codes, and other material pertinent to the project.
  • Good level of IT skills.


Mercury is an equal opportunities employer


Organisatorisk miljø:


Mercury er en irsk baseret europæisk entreprenør.

Mercury er en europæisk entreprenør, der bygger og administrerer komplekse ingeniørprojekter, der genskaber, hvordan mennesker arbejder og lever i det byggede miljø. 


Rollens omfang

Rollen, der rapporterer til Mercury Project Turnover Manager, repræsenterer interesserne og styrker Mercurys omdømme med hensyn til at sikre, at kvaliteten af ​​både materialer og håndværk følger design, specifikationer, arbejdsgivernes krav, kvalitetsstandarder og regler.


Nøgleansvar for rollen:

  • Stedets aktiviteter planlægges og udføres i overensstemmelse med alle kvalitetssikrings- og kontrolprocedurer, som kontrakten kræver.
  • Installer en kvalitet, fejlfri filosofi og kultur blandt alle Mercurys medarbejdere.
  • Arbejdet udføres i overensstemmelse med godkendt kvalitetsprojektudførelsesplan (PEP), butikstegninger, tekniske afleveringer, mock-ups, first of a kind og modeller.
  • Arbejd med rørledningsledere for at sikre, at ITR på BIM-360 er underskrevet, før trykprøvning påbegyndes.
  • Afmeld genindsættelse efter tryktestning.
  • Viden og erfaring med hygiejniske og ikke-hygiejniske systemer.
  • Deltag i intern whiteboard på systemets/testpakkens fremskridt.
  • Overvåg tildelte systemafslutningsfremskridt.
  • Overvåg punch-lukning på EIDA & BIM-360 for tildelte systemer.
  • Udfør hældningstjek på rørsystemet for at sikre overensstemmelse med specifikationer og P&ID'er.
  • Udfør inspektioner på rør for at sikre, at de korrekte understøtninger er installeret i henhold til isometrisk.
  • Overhold brugen af ​​EIDA, BIM360 digitale byggesoftwareapplikationer til at administrere registreringer.
  • Kontakt til PMG Omsætningsafdeling om planlægning af walkdowns.
  • Deltag i og deltag i Quality toolbox talks.
  • Inspektioner kan være i højder eller under jorden og vil omfatte specialiserede aspekter af mekaniske systemer.


Væsentlige kriterier for rollen:

  • Akademiske og/eller handelsmæssige kvalifikationer inden for mekanisk disciplin
  • Tre plus års erfaring med linjevandring.
  • Hold relevante sundheds- og sikkerhedskrav.
  • Farmaceutisk erfaring er at foretrække.
  • CSWIP svejseinspektion er ønskelig.
  • Evne til at læse og fortolke, specifikationer, regler, koder og andet materiale, der er relevant for projektet.
  • Gode ​​IT-kompetencer.


Mercury er en ligestillingsarbejdsgiver







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