Turnover Manager, Denmark

Jetzt Bewerben

Organisational Environment:


Mercury is the European leader in construction solutions.


We build and manage complex engineering & construction projects for the world’s leading corporations. Our solutions help deliver technologies and life changing advancements that connect people, communities, and businesses, giving them the power to achieve incredible things. Our people have the courage to be innovative. Their determination and sharp focus enable us to deliver with certainty, time and time again.

 We deliver our clients’ visions through leading edge construction solutions across multiple sectors, including Enterprise Data Centres, Advanced Technology & Life Sciences, Hyperscale Data Centres, Fire Protection, and Technical Support Services (TSS).

 At Mercury, it is our duty to encourage and back our people to realise their vision of themselves. We place them at the heart of what we do, providing challenging opportunities to develop within a great team in a supportive environment that allows them to reach their full potential.


Scope of Role:


Key Responsibilities of the Role:


As the Turnover manager you are required to lead the turnover and delivery of all systems to the client with zero defects.  You will need to ensure that all your project personnel have been trained to the appropriate level in delivering an exceptionally high-quality project.

Our quality goal is “Zero snags at the time where the foreman announces that a system or part of a system in complete”. You are required to manage and deliver your department goals in a forward looking and controlled manner.


Core Responsibilities


  • Ensure a safe working environment for all the people under your management and deliver an incident and injury free project.
  • Role model all aspects of working in a safe manner and ensure that all your leadership team do the same.
  • You will set up and implement Mercury turnover procedures on site.
  • Understand the QA/QC inspection process, ITPs, and related QA/QC documentation requirements.
  • Manage & assign systems to Turnover Engineers.
  • Monitor system completion progress.
  • Ensure systems are closed out per test pack.
  • Chair internal whiteboard on system / test pack progress.
  • Manage punch closure on EIDA & BIM-360.
  • Attend daily with CMT Turnover meeting with the following information.
  • Ensure all turnover documentation is available pre walkdown.
  • Progress update on W1, W2 & W3 Walks.
  • Update on system readiness & punch closure.
  • Co-ordinate internal walkdowns between construction complete and W1 walkdown.
  • Manage and publish all punch list and system turnover indicators on a weekly basis.
  • Participate in and lead system walk downs with the client.
  • Engaging engineering, construction and the clients QA leads to properly categorize and negotiate closeout issues.
  • Review of signed off QA/QC forms for completeness and accuracy of information and ensure all signatures have been captured (GDP)
  • Ensure all turnover processes are in an easily accessible location (file key) and that everyone that needs to use them knows where to find them.
  • Work with the construction leads to ensure that you are kept updated on the progress of systems to ensure systems are handed over as per published schedule needs.
  • Work in conjunction with the QA/QC manager to turn over the project successfully.
  • Performance management of your team members
  • Keep a rolling 4 week look ahead of constraints and constraints clearing.
  • Forecast headcount requirements and agree staffing.
  • All other duties associated with this role.



  • Relevant IT experience.
  • Effective communication skills.


Essential Criteria (examples of information needed below)

  • The ideal candidate will have a minimum 5 years’ experience in a quality Role.
  • Previous experience in Construction Operations.
  • Academic and/or trades qualifications in mechanical discipline
  • Travel will be required for this position.
  • Mechanical Pharmaceutical experience
  • Knowledge of clean & grey utilities mechanical piping systems
  • Familiar with ASME & EN standards


Desirable Criteria

  • Knowledge of EIDA & BIM-360 Digital Platform


Mercury is an equal opportunities employer.


Rollens omfang:


Nøgleansvar for rollen:


Som omsætningsansvarlig er du forpligtet til at lede omsætning og levering af alle systemer til kunden uden fejl. Du skal sikre dig, at alt dit projektpersonale er blevet uddannet til det passende niveau i at levere et projekt af enestående høj kvalitet.

Vores kvalitetsmål er "Nul snags på det tidspunkt, hvor værkføreren meddeler, at et system eller en del af et system er færdig". Du er forpligtet til at styre og levere dine afdelingsmål på en fremadskuende og kontrolleret måde.




  • Sørg for et sikkert arbejdsmiljø for alle personer under din ledelse og lever et hændelses- og skadesfrit projekt.
  • Rollemodel alle aspekter af at arbejde på en sikker måde og sikre, at hele dit lederteam gør det samme.
  • Du vil opsætte og implementere Mercury-omsætningsprocedurer på stedet.
  • Forstå QA/QC-inspektionsprocessen, ITP'er og relaterede QA/QC-dokumentationskrav.
  • Administrer og tildel systemer til Turnover Engineers.
  • Overvåg systemets færdiggørelsesfremskridt.
  • Sørg for, at systemerne er lukket ud pr. testpakke.
  • Stol intern whiteboard på system / testpakke fremskridt.
  • Administrer punch-lukning på EIDA & BIM-360.
  • Deltag dagligt med CMT Omsætningsmøde med følgende information.
  • Sørg for, at al omsætningsdokumentation er tilgængelig før walkdown.
  • Fremskridtsopdatering på W1, W2 & W3 Walks.
  • Opdatering om systemberedskab og punch-lukning.
  • Koordinere interne walkdowns mellem færdigbygget og W1 walkdown.
  • Administrer og udgiv alle punch-lister og systemomsætningsindikatorer på en ugentlig basis.
  • Deltage i og lede systemgange med klienten.
  • Engagerende teknik, konstruktion og kundernes QA fører til korrekt kategorisering og forhandling af afslutningsproblemer.
  • Gennemgang af underskrevne QA/QC-formularer for fuldstændighed og nøjagtighed af oplysninger og sikre, at alle signaturer er blevet registreret (BNP)
  • Sørg for, at alle omsætningsprocesser er på et let tilgængeligt sted (filnøgle), og at alle, der skal bruge dem, ved, hvor de kan finde dem.
  • Arbejde med konstruktionsleddet for at sikre, at du holdes opdateret på systemernes fremskridt for at sikre, at systemerne afleveres i henhold til offentliggjorte tidsplanbehov.
  • Arbejd i samarbejde med QA/QC-lederen for at vende projektet med succes.
  • Præstationsstyring af dine teammedlemmer
  • Hold et rullende 4-ugers kig forud for begrænsninger og begrænsninger.
  • Foretag prognoser for antal ansatte og aftal bemanding.
  • Alle andre opgaver forbundet med denne rolle.



  • Relevant IT erfaring.
  • Effektive kommunikationsevner.


Væsentlige kriterier 

  • Den ideelle kandidat har minimum 5 års erfaring i en kvalitetsrolle.
  • Tidligere erfaring med anlægsdrift.
  • Akademiske og/eller handelsmæssige kvalifikationer inden for mekanisk disciplin
  • Rejser vil være påkrævet for denne stilling.
  • Mekanisk Farmaceutisk erfaring
  • Kendskab til rene og grå forsyninger mekaniske rørsystemer
  • Har kendskab til ASME & EN standarder


Ønskelige kriterier

  • Kendskab til EIDA & BIM-360 Digital Platform










Jetzt Bewerben